id name level maglevel experience pushable armor defense canpushitems staticattack changetarget speed health_max look_type look_head look_body look_legs look_feet look_corpse combat_targetdistance combat_runonhealth blood_color blood_effect blood_splash summon_cost exp/hp ratio loot
80 Elfish Druid
Elfish Druid
145 80 77777 0 15 20 1 70 400 350 80000 144 19 114 124 112 2979 4 3000 0 0 0 0 0.9722125 platinum coin (1-4) - bag - royal helmet - warrior helmet - medusa shield - boots of haste - ring of healing - knight armor -

monster lib version 0-dev, generated on Sun, 28 Feb 2021 00:14:57 +0100